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Managing Internal & External Communication

We listen and speak truth in love to build up and unify. Internal and External Communication develops awareness, trust, relationship, and alignment with internal and external stakeholders supporting the aims of the organization and developing stakeholder knowledge and understanding.

The Challange

Clear Communication

How many problems and challenges could be prevented or solved with clear communication and understanding? Whether internal or external communication, we must first understand the audience and be able to deliver the message in a way that leads to understanding and learning, which creates strong connections and deeper relationships.

The Aim

Words of Life

The type of communication described in the Bible is truthful, loving, wise, and gracious—it is not harsh or rash. It is intentional, encouraging, and unifying. We can speak words of life instead of words of death in our everyday internal communication and in our external communication, whether it be our brand and marketing message, or any other form.

Managing Internal and External Communication are specifically applied systems that serve to intentionally manage and optimally communicate with internal stakeholders and external stakeholders regarding the things pertinent and interesting to that audience to build awareness, understanding, trust, healthy relationships, alignment, and influence.

The purpose of Internal Communication is to support the aims of the larger business and the business units through communication to and among our members and to support the development of business operation/management skills through the communication of business information to members.

The purpose of External Communication is to build relationships among us and our external stakeholders that lead to fulfilling the aims of a Good Place organization and any additional unique aims of the organization.

The Result
The outcomes of the Management of Internal and External Communication are that we experience more awareness, understanding, trust, healthy relationships, alignment, influence, and the betterment of our internal and external stakeholders.
Managing Internal & External Communication

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