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Managing Innovation

We bear the image of creativity and innovation. Innovation is creating new things or doing things a new way. These are beyond incremental improvements to systems and look to identify opportunities where harmony is most needed.

The Challenge

Need for Innovation

Now more than ever before, organizations must be innovative or be at risk of becoming obsolete. The challenge leaders are faced with is to access the culture of the organization and determine if a system of innovation is in place. Then, the next challenge is defining innovation. Innovation is not just about new products and services. It can be about new organizations, new systems, new processes, new methods, etc. We simply and broadly define innovation as creating new things or doing things in a new way.

The Aim

Fueling Creativity

Managing Innovation is a specifically applied system that allows, encourages, and supports each person to be creative, fulfilling God’s intention for us participate in continuing creation. It gives an opportunity to create and develop above and beyond system improvements, which we talk about in the section on Managing Systems and Stewardship Planning (specifically related to Strategic Initiatives).

As with Training, Education, and Development; Managing Innovation helps fulfill the purpose for work, cultivating an atmosphere and culture for people to express and exercise their God-given creativity.

We use the general Managing Innovation system to fulfill the purpose of Innovation, monitoring its performance and learning and improving along the way. We have developed associated activities and tools in each of the process steps and decision gates.

The Result

A Fulfilled Purpose

Managing Innovation provides the system that creates ideas, develops them, and implements them, producing new things and new ways of doing things that align with and help the organization better fulfill its purpose. It also provides a stewardship approach to ideas and wise decision-making regarding those ideas.

Managing Innovation

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